Saturday, November 28, 2009
Big News...(no, I'm not pregnant!)
Obviously, I have a lot to learn. I know that I can take great shots, no biggie, but I need to know more than that to run a business. I plan to sign up for some classes, hopefully in January, and get all set up with a great computer and a website and all the things that I will need. This is so exciting for me because I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So, this is just the beginning. From now on, when you see me, you will see me and my 7D. So, keep reading because there will be a lot more on this subject to come, including a vote on the name for my business.
Last but not least, I would love to thank my amazingly supportive husband for all the help he has offered. He has spent many of days and weeks researching and giving me advice and fully supports me. We have even talked about him getting a camera maybe sometime next year and helping out with the business as well. Thank you Aaron, you are the best husband a woman could ask for.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Shy Ballerina
Allyson is such a special child. From the moment she was born, she has proved that she is going to do what she wants. She is strong-willed, yet sweet, very outgoing, yet, shy. She has a wonderful imagination and says some of the funniest things. She is very introverted, unlike her mother, and plays best one-on-one. She spends a lot of her time pretending to be various animals. Some of her favorites are a dog, a horse or a jaguar.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Feeling Compelled to Start Blogging Again
So, what have we been up to, you ask? Well. All kinds of things of couse. Aaron and I celebrated our 7th year of marriage on August 17th. I hate to tell you, but we did NOTHING exciting, other than go floating down the river with some great friends, and had pretty much an entire weekend all to ourselves. We do hope to get a date night soon, something we could really use. So, the picture below is not of us on a fancy date for our anniversay, rather, a good friends wedding, but here we are!
Of couse, one of the most recent things to happen is that my sweet Abby has started first grade. Hard to believe. So far, so good. It's definately an adjustment, as it is much different from kindergarten. Homework is all I'm sayin'. Abby got a new haircut right before school. It's the shortest it's ever been. I do miss her long her, but there is something to be said about having it this length. Two words: NO TANGLES!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Abby the Baracuda!
Abby did excellent at her swim meet last night! I am so proud of her. Every time she swims I get tears in my eyes. I know, I know, I'm a sap, but I can't help it. I guess it's also because a part of me feels very connected to Abby when she swims. I loved swim team and spent a lot of my time hanging around the pool, the same pool that my daughter now hangs out at. I also met Aaron at this same pool when I was 15 years old. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. The children that I used to teach swim lessons to at this same pool are now lifeguards. So, with all these memories, it's very surreal for me.
Here is a clip of Abby doing backstroke. I must note that this is the same kid that was so nervous to even step foot in the pool back in March. She has made drastic improvements. Abby, mommy is so proud of you! Keep swimming my little fish :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
First REAL Haircut!
Here is a "before" picture.
Abby and her friend Emma
Feeding the giraffes!
Allyson and Audrey feeding the goats.
Today was a great day! Really hoping for some sunshine. The kids and I are doing a garden this year. I'll keep you updated with how it goes. I am so excited. I've always wanted a garden. I really hope that this will be a good learning lesson for the kids.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Randomness! (is that a word?)
And look at this little one-year old and her big brown eyes. She's the only one out of my three girls who got my side of the family's big eyes. Abby and Allyson both have Daddy's squinty eyes ;)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Taking the training wheels off!
So, while in Charlotte visiting some friends, we took off Abby's training wheels. We had practiced a little at home, but she just took off! Here is a little clip to please your eyes of my big girl riding her bike all by herself.
Today was a good day. We had a lot of fun playing with friends and enjoying the nice weather. Now, I'm just hoping for some rain so that our newly planted grass will take off. I also went to CVS today and snagged some free stuff! Loving my new coupon savings. Everyone should do it, it will really change your way of spending. Goodnight!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Summer, here we come!
We had a nice dinner and then I took Abby to the indoor pool here in our area to practice swimming for the swim team. She did really well, and hopefully will be quite the little baracuda this summer.
All in all, great day. Looking forward to another sunny, fun day tomorrow!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Out of the Mouth of Babes
Some funny things my kiddos have said lately:
Me: "Abby, do you know how this?" (holding up a dollar bill)
Abby: "Uuumm... oh yeah, that's Curious Washington!"
(playing with my tummy, which is a while other topic)
Allyson: "Here mommy, let me tuck in your shirt. " (tucks in my shirt, pats my belly)
"there you go little chubby chub!"
Allyson: "Goodnight mommy! If you see any tigers let me know and I'll shoot em'!"
I have no clue where that one came from! She talks a lot about tigers at bedtime. She's been doing this for a long time. Sometimes there are tigers under her bed and she can't go to sleep. I guess tonight she decided she was over being scared of those darn tigers, she'll just shoot them! Her grandfather would be happy!
I'm sure I'll come up with more later, but it's late and my brain isn't quite functioning. Had to get these down before I forgot!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Tooth Fairy
So, the tooth fairy has been a very busy lady around here lately. Abby lost her bottom two teeth quite some time ago, and the new ones have since grown back in. But, in the past week she has lost 3 teeth! Yes, THREE in one week! As you can see below, she looks like quite the snaggle-tooth. It's very surreal for me, because I just know that this means my little girl is growing up.
Abby is best friends with the tooth fairy. Literally, she talks about her as if she knows her in person. It's very cute. It's so fun to watch her get so excited about leaving her tooth for this magical fairy. Last night, when she lost her big front tooth, she decided she would make a nice note for the tooth fairy and make her a little something. She actually said, "the tooth fairy probably never gets presents." So sweet. So, under her pillow went the note, a nice craft she made for her and the tooth. Now let me tell all of you rookies out there. This is no easy job. I seem to almost forget every time. Just as I'm laying down for bed and thinking over the day and checking off my list mentally, it hits me.... oh crap, the tooth! So, I drag myself out of my warm bed to retreive the tooth and leave some money behind. Now, Abby is quite a sound sleeper, but I still get very paranoid. I tip toe in as quietly as possible and try to be as slick as can be not to wake her. This has been pretty easy up until this last tooth when she felt the need to leave all the extras with the tooth. I went to her side of the bed that she had her back to first, slipped my hand under the pillow and was feeling around and then, she turned and kinda moaned a little. I ducked down, hiding and thinking about what to say if I did in fact get busted. "oh, it's okay honey, I'm just making sure that your tooth is still there. We wouldn't want the tooth fairy to come and it not be there!" I think I could get away with it, but hey, kids are smart, and I'm trying to keep all the magical things going on for a couple more years. So, anyways... back to where I started. So, once she was still, I went to the other side of the bed. I mananged to get all the things, slip the money under the pillow, and tip toe back out the door. Mission complete.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Should it be called Vacation, PART 2
And for those of you who are wondering how our drive home was, well, it wasn't so bad. Could have been worse I suppose. The kids did pretty well, it was just the typical stuff. We stopped in Harrisonburg because I needed to get formula for Audrey and there was a Target there. I told Aaron we should just grab something to eat there so we only had to make one stop, but he didn't see anything he liked on the menu. Therefore, we did what we shouldn't have done which was put three starving kids back in the car, and go someplace else. Then when we get there, we realize that Allyson is missing a shoe, not just any shoe by the way, her cute little purple fuzzy crocs that I spen $30 bucks on! So, I left them behind and went to find the shoe. Lucky for me, it was in the parking lot of Target along with a toy that fell out of the van also. I went back, we ate, then hit the road. Then we had the great idea that we would stop at Home Depot in Waynesboro because we had never been to one and maybe they have some different things compared to Lowe's. WRONG! They do not.... as a matter of fact, they have almost the exact same and less of a selection. So, that was a waste of time. Anyways.... I rambling, but, you get the picture, just the same old stuff that happens to me on a daily occurance.
I'll finish this by saying that I think we are incedibly lucky to be able to take family vacations and I will never take that for granted. But, it never hurts to look back and laugh at all the things that went wrong!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Should It Be Called Vacation??
Let's go back a bit...
Two days before vacation: I should be packing, instead, I'm blogging or reading the Twilight series, New Moon.
Day before vacation: still not packing, but rather, trying to get the house cleaned up before we leave for vacation because who wants to come home to a messy house?
Night before vacation: Okay, have to start packing. Get the kids stuff packed which takes forever because they have so many things they need. And of course, I pack way too much.
Morning before vacation: Get kid off to school, feed other kids, need to go vacuum out car for road trip, need dog food, still need to pack and load up the car, pick up kid from school at noon, come home, make lunch, water the plants so they don't die, clean litter box b/c house sitter won't do it while you're gone, check off your list to make sure you have everything, make sure everyone's gone potty and head out. Try to do all this without having a nervous breakdown, which I did, but that's another story.
On the way: Kids yelling that their headphones aren't working and they don't like this movie and they need a snack and they dropped their cup. The baby, who you know you perfectly timed out that nap, is wide awake and not happy being in the rear-facing car seat. (might I add that two hours of this trip is through nothing but mountains, and I mean BIG SCARY mountains)
Upon Arrival: Unpack everything. Kids extremely wound up from being in the car. One is car sick the other has peed their pants. Baby has been screaming for an hour. They don't want to go to bed because they are someplace new.
Next couple days: Lose everything because you are living out of suitcases AND you are trying to go skiing, therefore, you need hats, gloves, jackets, boots, skiis and tons more for everyone. Get your nice minivan that's not used to the snow and ice stuck in the driveway. Baby refuses to sleep in pack and play and is waking up at least three times a night.
Okay, so there you have it, and we haven't even left yet... so I guess this is to be continued. I'll let you know how the departure goes. And, although I am complaining, we had a great time. Abby did awesome skiing, we did relaxe quite a bit and it was wonderful spending time with the ones I love most. And, don't worry, I have plenty of pictures for the next blog!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Abby is Six
Abigayle was born on a very cold January day. As a matter of fact, we came home from the hospital to find that our pipes had frozen and we had no water. (I was not too happy about this!) Anyhow... having Abby as my first child was such a blessing. She was an angel baby, actually I called her my "textbook" baby. She did exactly what the books said she was supposed to do. She was easy going, fat and happy. Her and I spent every day together, just the two of us for her first three years of life. I have so many great memories over the past six years. One of my favorite memories is when she would dance as a baby. Abby loved to dance, and still does. I would put on a song, and she would stand up, as she was just pulling up at this age, and bounce up and down and laugh and giggle. She was hysterical. She hasn't changed much... she's still my easy-going girl, aside from some 6-year old drama, she is a delight. I realize how lucky I am to have a daughter like her. I have been trying to remind myself as Abby, and my other two little ones, grow right before my eyes, how quickly this time will pass. I feel like I blinked and Abby is all grown up. No longer a baby, she doesn't need me as much anymore. My prayer for Abby is to continue to grow, to walk with Jesus, and to stay true to who she is, which is just perfect to me. Happy birthday Abby, I love you.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Allyson the Pig
Allyson has started this new thing where she snorts when she laughs! It is absolutely hilarious and now she just does it all the time. Well, yesterday at lunch, she was on a snorting roll! She was cracking me up :) Check it out:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What I've been up to!
I've really gotten into coupon clipping. I found this great blog: and it's awesome. I guess you can say I've been totally inspired by it and have taken on a whole new hobby of obsessively clipping coupons and trying to save money. It is a lot of extra work, but it's totally worth it and the feeling I get when I save a lot of money is a total adrenaline rush! Today I went to KMart, where they were participating in double coupons up to a $2 face value, and I bought $80 dollars worth of cosmetics, cleaning stuff and medicines for $32. (I also bought some invitations for Abby's birthday party which I didn't have a coupon for :) Anyhow... it's really been a lot of fun.
My new camera! I am totally obsessed with it. It's a super nice Canon Powershot and it takes great pictures. I love taking pictures of my little girls. I would love to one day get into photography a little more and maybe even make an income on it! I think I could be really good at it.
Something else that had been put on the back burner for a while was reading, but I just finished reading Twighlight last week. (thanks Clancy!) Oh my... it was such a great book and I can't wait to get the next in the series.
I am also trying really hard to stay at home more and get organized. I've realized that with three kids under the age of 5, that being organized is almost a must. I am really trying to squeeze in the time to get things nice and tidy around here. I hate looking for something and not being able to find it!!
And, I can't believe that I haven't mentioned this yet, but we are also remodeling our home. We bought our house 2 years ago from my parents and it was like a dream come true for us. We started our family young, and for so long, home ownership was like a fantasy. When we had the oppurtunity to buy my parents house, the house that I pretty much grew up in, we jumped on it! It was a great house to start off with, but we have taken great pride in personalizing it and making it our own. We have done so many things. We painted the outside from what used to be a somewhat burnt orangish color, to a grayish-blue color. We replaced all the windows and re-trimmed them and got a new front door. We put recessed lighting in some bedrooms and hallways, put down hardwood flooring in the hallway upstairs and also fenced in the backyard. We also replaced the front porch with this "Trek" boarding stuff and it looks great! Needless to say we have been very busy improving our house and we have lots more planned this year!
I also weaned Audrey this week and have been sleep-training her to sleep in her own bed. It went really well, and as of Thursday it will have been 2 weeks that she has been on bottles and in her own bed! It's kindof sad that I will never nurse another baby again, but also very uplifting. It's really nice to start getting back to focusing on me and have my body back, somewhat ;)
With that being said, next month, I am getting a gym membership and hitting it hard to lose the rest of this weight! I miss the gym so much. It used to be a very important part of my life and I can't wait to get back in there. So, hopefully, you will be seeing a new, slimmer me this summer!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Box....
Here is Audrey playing the box that became Abby's robot head.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A Look Back at 2008....(and a look forward at 2009!)
At the beginning of 2008, Aaron and I took a trip to see his brother and his wife in Maryland. In this picture I am about 7 months pregnant.
We also got a bit of snow that month. As a matter of fact, I believe it's the only snow we received last winter. I bundled the girls up and we had a great time sledding down our driveway and making snow angels.
In March, we celerated Easter. We enjoyed a lot of fun activites and here are Abby and Allyson dying easter eggs.
On April 5, Allyson turned 2 years old. We had a Dora party for her. Then on April 8th, we welcomed Audrey Elizabeth who came into this world weighing in at 8 lbs even. She has been an absolute delight. She has the best tempermant and has just been happy ever since she entered the world. She is exactly like her great grandmother whom we named her after.
In June, Abby's best friend Sam came to visit us. Abby and Sam grew up together, literally, as if brother and sister, and she was heartbroken when we moved away. (so was I!) Abby and Sam still keep in touch and his visit was such a great time.
We enjoyed going to the spray park in our town with Sam.
I love this picture of Allyson at the spray park. She didn't understand where the water went!
Abby also learned how to swim this year. She took swim lessons last year, but did not really take to the water so well, but this year, she was great!
We also went to visit my parents in the beautiful mountains of West Virginia in June. We really love going there because it's just so peaceful and we can really just enjoy the outdoors and just take a step back from our hectic lives.
Abby started horse lessons in September. This was a dream come true for Abby who has been in love with horses for about 2 years now. I thought maybe it was just a phase, or maybe I was hoping, but it hasn't gone away. I think it's in her blood though because we have quite a history of riding horses in my family. I grew up on a horse farm and my mother taught lessons and we had horse shows on our farm.
I also hosted a girls night here in September. It was a fabulous time! These are some of the best girlfriends a girl could ask for. We have all been friend since grade school, and even though we are all at different points in our lives, we still know what it means to be friends, best friends, and I cherish the moments that we spend together.
Also in September, we surprised Abby and took her to the Foxfield horse races. We lined up my mother in law to keep Allyson and Audrey and told her it was going to be a special day. She had no clue where we were going, and it was a great day with her.
And, in October we celebrate Halloween, and I love this picture of my three little kittens.
We had a great holiday season, filled with great meals, spending time with family and remembering those that have gone on before us.
I absolutely love this clip of Abby playing with Audrey. Abby is so delightful and always a great big sister, as you can see!