Sunday, February 1, 2009

Should It Be Called Vacation??

Okay, so let me say first and foremost. I love vacations. I love the feeling of getting away from the day to day hustle and most importantly, I love the memories that we make as a family. BUT.... should it really be called a vacation? I don't think so. Let me tell you why.

Let's go back a bit...

Two days before vacation: I should be packing, instead, I'm blogging or reading the Twilight series, New Moon.

Day before vacation: still not packing, but rather, trying to get the house cleaned up before we leave for vacation because who wants to come home to a messy house?

Night before vacation: Okay, have to start packing. Get the kids stuff packed which takes forever because they have so many things they need. And of course, I pack way too much.

Morning before vacation: Get kid off to school, feed other kids, need to go vacuum out car for road trip, need dog food, still need to pack and load up the car, pick up kid from school at noon, come home, make lunch, water the plants so they don't die, clean litter box b/c house sitter won't do it while you're gone, check off your list to make sure you have everything, make sure everyone's gone potty and head out. Try to do all this without having a nervous breakdown, which I did, but that's another story.

On the way: Kids yelling that their headphones aren't working and they don't like this movie and they need a snack and they dropped their cup. The baby, who you know you perfectly timed out that nap, is wide awake and not happy being in the rear-facing car seat. (might I add that two hours of this trip is through nothing but mountains, and I mean BIG SCARY mountains)

Upon Arrival: Unpack everything. Kids extremely wound up from being in the car. One is car sick the other has peed their pants. Baby has been screaming for an hour. They don't want to go to bed because they are someplace new.

Next couple days: Lose everything because you are living out of suitcases AND you are trying to go skiing, therefore, you need hats, gloves, jackets, boots, skiis and tons more for everyone. Get your nice minivan that's not used to the snow and ice stuck in the driveway. Baby refuses to sleep in pack and play and is waking up at least three times a night.

Okay, so there you have it, and we haven't even left yet... so I guess this is to be continued. I'll let you know how the departure goes. And, although I am complaining, we had a great time. Abby did awesome skiing, we did relaxe quite a bit and it was wonderful spending time with the ones I love most. And, don't worry, I have plenty of pictures for the next blog!


  1. Do I ever know how you feel!! This describes every 'vacation' I've taken since having you remember what vacations were like before children- when you could get into an argument over what day of the week it was (and, quite seriously i might add, have no clue)? Call me on your drive home :)

  2. Oh Meg! I felt my heart rate increase by just reading your blog! haha! Before you go, go sit outside one evening, pour a big glass of wine and sip slowly..take it all in mama. Then right before you get in the van, slam down three shots of your liquor of choice! :-)..problem solved! hehe

  3. I always feel like I need a "vacation" after a vacation.
